Whether you teach in a low-income school or a high resourced community, negative and positive money perceptions and realities exist in every classroom. Teachers will explore different viewpoints and experiences with money and how that affects learning personal finance. Teachers will discuss and learn how to build inclusive dialogue around these different viewpoints.
Author: Amy
Webinars, Webinars, Webinars!
The Council for Economic Education is pleased to offer professional development webinars for teachers. The webinars cover multiple topics on how to integrate personal finance and economics in the classroom and create a fun learning experience for your students. The webinars are active so we encourage you to participate with your computer instead of a smartphone.
When you attend the webinar(s), you will leave with relevant lessons, resources and tools that can be implemented the next day. If you are interested in a topic, but cannot attend the live webinar, please register to get access to the archived version. Read the important information below regarding professional development certificates:
- You must attend a live webinar or listen to a recorded webinar for at least 45 minutes in order to receive a certificate.
- ALL attendees will receive a copy of the power point presentation AND a certificate within three days after the webinar. You must stay on the webinar for a minimum of 45 minutes. If not, no certificate will be issued.
Visit our Professional Development page for more information