Make a Donation

Help make personal finance education a priority in our schools.

To make a one-time general contribution, click below:

What your dollars can do…

$30 Sponsors one student team to participate in the Stock Market Game.
$75 Supports one teacher to receive OCEE curriculum and resources.
$150 Sponsors one teacher to receive professional development in personal finance or economics.
$250 Enables 1 student team to attend an OCEE Competition such as the Personal Finance Challenge.
$1,250 Send a teacher to CEE’s Annual Conference & Professional Development


More than half of millennials (about 54 percent) say debt is their “biggest financial concern.”

Only fifty-nine percent of the young adults in Generation Y (ages eighteen to twenty-one) pay their bills on time every month.

Roughly half of Oklahoma 18 year-olds who have a credit account are 90 or more days behind on a payment.